Some of the best village ramparts in France
Here I want to record the highlights of everyday we spend in Bertie. Where we stay, where we visit, what happens and how we get on living in such a tiny space. The record is mainly for our own interest as something to look back at to remember and enjoy those trips again. It might possibly be of interest to our family to see what the old crumblies are up to and where they are and maybe the odd motorhomer might stop by occasionally too and that is a bonus.
The categories and tags in the column on the left should make it possible to identify the various trips and group together those posts in to chronological order.

I (Tim) will try and write up each day’s events within 24 hours – ideally it will be that evening but it might be the next day in practice. Then Eileen will come along and correct my awful spelling and add in the bits I have forgotten. Most of the photographs on this blog are Eileen’s as she is a much better photographer than I am. She writes nicer text than what I do as well!
“We” are Tim & Eileen Heaps and we live in Forres in Scotland close to the Moray Firth about 25 miles east of Inverness.Our family have lived in Scotland for some years and in 2017 we moved up here to be closer to our daughter in Kinloss and our son in Glasgow.
For the last 20 years we have run a small company providing a range of IT services to individuals and small businesses. In 2017 we handed the bulk of that business over to our son, Martin, and he continues to look after our clients but under his own business MHCreations and Tim just has a couple of his own clients and does some consultancy work for Martin. That leaves us much freer to enjoy our new life in Scotland and to travel further afield in Bertie. The big plan for 2018 is an extended tour of France in March, April and May 2018. If that goes well then we might do an even longer trip that winter to Spain and Portugal. Both trips will be reported here in detail (I hope).
Update Summer 2019.
Despite the long silence on this Blog we still have Bertie and we are doing all kinds of trips. We did do a 60 day trip to France and Belgium in 2018 and one day I will write it up. We keep fairly detailed daily logs and we take lots of photos which are filed by trip so I could it. What I have found is that whilst we are away I am too busy/too tired to work on the blog and so it gets left until it is far too late. That way we get to the current positoon where I have not updated the blog for nearly two years. I will get back to it!