Some of the best village ramparts in France
Soon after leaving Saint Julien-du-Sault we passed the point where we were 1000 miles from home! Shortly after that as we entered the small town of Appoigny near Auxerre we were flagged down at a Customs road block. The lady was very polite and asked where we were going and whether we had anything with us of interest to customs. She accepted my assurances that we did not have any contraband although she seemed to struggle with the idea that we were driving from Scotland to Spain and it may be another month before we left France. From her point of view we were on an unusual road for that although we are heading south. We are in the middle of France and we are not on a motorway. Mind you I have no idea what Customs were looking for on that road and in such force. At least ten officers there and just as many checking northbound traffic at the other end of the village! Anyway they waved us through without even checking documents.
Soon after Auxerre as we climbed up in to the hills it started to rain. It rained when we stopped for coffee in an aire de repos above Clamency. It rained as we dropped down in to the Nievre valley. It sort of stopped when we parked up in the little aire at Guérigny but it started again after lunch when we walked across the road to the Intermarché supermarket. It rained even more when we walked back. We were pleased to find that the supermarket has a Laverie (a small self-service launderette) but we decided it was too wet to walk back with the laundry and we plan to do that tomorrow and will take Bertie over there on our way out of town.

The forecast for tomorrow mentions heavy rain so maybe even wetter. No walk today and thus no photos. Not much to say really except that it is grey, gloomy and raining and we are parked under trees which means a noisy night. It is however much warmer. 13c at lunch time and the forecast says it will not drop below 11c tonight and be warmer tomorrow a well as wetter.