Some of the best village ramparts in France

We left Forres a bit later than planned as it always take us longer to get going than planned! The forecast is disappointing alothough it was fine as we left and headed east on the A96 toward Inverness. That was after a last top up of the food cupboards at Lidl in Forres! At Inverness we topped up with diesel as we did not know when we would see cheap diesel again. The idea is to follow the Great Glen all the way to the West Coast and then down toward Oban. Sadly it rained most of that journey and thus photos are few and far between. The A82 along Loch Ness was busy and rather poor surface too. We saw lots of other campers and motorhomes so got in lots of waving!

Stopped for lunch in a layby over looking Loch Lochy – a lovely view rather spoiled by the traffic whizzing past us.
Our castle of the day was Dunstaffnage which was built to control the entry to Loch Etive and thus the major route to the interior that it formed. An interesting castle and worth the visit. It is now wooded all around and thus you do not really appreciate the way that it controls the whole area.

Our sleeping place tonight was Tayniult Pier on Lock Etive – our first wild camping site! I found it on which is well worth its modest subscription for. Taynuilt Pier used to be used by a ferry across Loch Etive but that has clearly not run for a long time. Now it is used by the supply boat used by the salmon fisheries out in the loch. The car park did have several signs to say no overnight parking but according to the other motorhome there when we arrived the locals did not care and he had been there for a few days. Several more motorhomes arrived later and there were 5 of us there in the end! What a magical spot and I am converted to wild camping if it means you can spent the night in such glorious locations and free too!

Odometer reading leaving Forres: 116661
Odomoter reading at Taynuilt Pier: 116897
Kilometres today: 236kms
Kilomters from Forres: 236kms
Kilometres this trip: 1875kms
24th night on Bertie